6. Pantluci
6.1 Overview
Pantluci (English [pæn"t(S)ôu:.ki]; Pantluci ["p˘an.tì
U.ci]) is an ex-
perimental constructed language designed to explore the bound-
aries of what a human-usable language can be. It uses a breadth-
rst-search-inspired heavily esoteric grammar unlike most if not all
pre-existing languages. To oset this unfamiliarity, Pantluci uses
a streamline grammar that aims to minimize the cognitive load for
both speakers and listeners.
The language rst began in late June 2021 after various sketches
of potential breadth-rst languages inspired by xkcd 2407. Origi-
nally, it used a modied consonant inventory from unrelated lan-
guage sketches from December 2020, a vowel inventory copied from
Lojban, a tone system copied from Láadan, and a grammar system
heavily inspired by toki pona. However, by early 2022, most of these
inuences were largely obscured by revisions to the language in an
attempt to minimize the chances of sound changes, and attempts
were made to reduce the wide variety of grammatical particles.
The language was developed beginning in late June 2021 after
various sketches of potential breadth-rst languages inspired by
xkcd 2407. Originally, it used a modied consonant inventory from
unrelated language sketches from December 2020, a vowel inventory
copied from Lojban, a tone system copied from Láadan, and a
grammar system heavily inspired by toki pona. However, by early
2022, most of these inuences were largely obscured by revisions
to the language in an attempt to minimize the chances of sound
changes. The wide variety of grammatical particles were reduced as
much as possible.
By mid-June 2022, the sole particle used in the language became
extremely repetitive, which became a larger and larger problem,
forcing a redo of the morphology and phonology to allow for redu-
plication and a greater focus on aesthetics. By July 2022, the
language had expanded into a research project exploring esoteric
languages in general, with the language being used as an example.
The phonology was once again scrapped and rebuilt with a focus on
lling the same purpose as the grammar.
By January 2023, its minimal inventory had made reduplication
obnoxiously repetitive, so it was changed to a rst vowel umlaut sys-
tem that mirrored the recently implemented compounding system.
By May 2023, the scientic nature of the exploration was abandoned
in favor of a more artistic approach in order to better appeal to
the author’s strengths and target audience. Over the course of
its development it went through the names Hýyban ([ç´@.`@.b